Canadian Xpress PMT (Powdery Mildew Treatment)

Canadian Xpress PMT (Powdery Mildew Treatment)


Safe, non toxic spray that can be used right up to last day of harvest.

Availability: 100ml.

Grand total £19.95


Canadian Xpress PMT

If you discover white, powdery spots on your plant’s leaves then the chances are they have been infected with Powdery Mildew, a fast-spreading mould that can completely ruin your whole garden. Act quickly and use Canadian Xpress PMT straight away.

  • Kills and prevents the spread of Powdery Mildew mould.
  • Safe for use on food crops.
  • Completely non-toxic.
  • Safe to humans, animals and the environment.
  • Can be used right up to harvest.
  • Activates your plants natural defences.
  • Great for use as a preventative measure.
  • Also helps to prevent Botrytis (Bud Rot).
  • 100ml bottle makes up to 10 litres of spray.

How PMT Works:-

Canadian Xpress PMT is part of the CX Horticulture Induced Resistance strategy and it stimulates your plants natural defences against moulds, particularly Powdery Mildew and Botrytis (Bud Rot). PMT will help your plants to rid themselves of the infection, control its spread and stop it coming back. PMT works best as a preventative measure. PMT is completely non-toxic and can be used right up to harvest.


Recommended Additional Purchases:-

For our full range of Canadian Xpress nutrients please see here!

For our other products relating to plant pests and disease see here!

Additional Information:-

You can download Canadian Xpress’ nutrient feeding schedules here!