Growth Technology Liquid Oxygen

Growth Technology Liquid Oxygen

From £2.95

Liquid Oxygen contains hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is a highly unstable molecule. It will quickly break down in the nutrient tank releasing a free atom of oxygen. This oxygen atom is extremely reactive and will attach itself to either another atom, forming a stable oxygen molecule, or attack a nearby organic molecule, such as a virus or fungal spore. Liquid Oxygen can eliminate existing diseases and help to prevent future ones.

Availability: 250ml, 1ltr and 5ltr.

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SKU: Growth_Technology_Liquid_Oxygen Categories: ,


Growth Technology Liquid Oxygen provides your plants’ roots with a strong source of extra oxygen to help roots to thrive. Liquid Oxygen also creates a hostile environment for root diseases.

  • Releases oxygen into your nutrient solution
  • Helps to create a sterile root-zone, killing root-diseases
  • Increased oxygen level gives increased root activity
  • Can be used in any grow-medium
  • Can be used in any type of grow-system
  • Not suitable for organic growing or when using friendly microbes