IWS Oxypot XL+ Plus – 70 Litre

IWS Oxypot XL+ Plus – 70 Litre


One of the simplest introductions to hydroponics available While being one of the best yielding. Once set up it is easy to manage and delivers great results. Each plant is placed in its own Oxypot.

Includes Air Pump and Air Stones.

Grand total
SKU: -Oxypot_XL_Plus_70_Litre Category:


The Oxypot XL+ is the Oxypot XL’s big brother, giving you a larger 6.5 litre pot and the potential for growing much bigger plants in the deep water culture hydroponic style. It features 2 easy access points which, if you wanted to, could also be used for growing smaller plants.

The Oxypot XL Plus has a reversible lid which suspends plants lower in the tank than usual for the early and vegetative stages.


Removable 6.5l net pot basket
easy access panel
2 x Air Stones
AIr Pump
Air line
70L Unit